Posted on Jun 4, 2020

7 JUNE 2020

The Feast of the Holy Trinity does not have the sentimentality of Christmas,

nor the ringing Alleluia’s of Easter.

In fact it seems almost buried in the liturgical year,

Just outside the boundaries of the fifty days of rejoicing, at the beginning of “ordinary time.”

This is also the beginning of summer when we try to forget the harsh winter,

cast our cares on warm breezes, sunshine and fishing.

This is the time we slow down and most of us try not to think much.

We could live well without this Trinity Feast, we’re looking for picnics now.

But this Feast has come.

To remind us of what is important:

To remind us of the God who has loved us into being,

Redeemed us,

Who calls us each day to a fuller life and a happy end.

This is the feast which reminds us of what is important.

Whatever kind of Catholic we are,

however we like to pick and choose what we like and don’t like

–and we all do pick and choose,

Conservative, liberal, high church, low church,

Justice and peace advocate, personal piety devotee,

We do not get to pick and choose this:

God is one.

Even though we have seen God’s face in Jesus,

Heard God’s voice today in our hearts,

And owe our lives to what we have not seen and not heard,

God is one.

And this, no matter where we are on the spectrum of faith and churchiness,

is what we must cling to against all of the personal proclivities which could divide us.

This Feast reminds us of what has drawn us together in the first place, which is something we too easily forget.