5 March 2017
We don’t know really what really happened there in the desert when Jesus was tempted.
Matthew and Luke expand the story.
In Mark’s it only takes two verses.
The tricky thing about temptation–it’s very personal,
it strikes in the deepest recesses,
the secret thoughts and desires we all have.
Temptation is the great leveler–none of us are better than anyone else.
Even Jesus–just like us–had the secret recesses which could be tempted.
Temptation is not the same as sin.
Temptation is part of being human.
But doing what is right and just and good in the face of temptation–
That may be what makes us most like Jesus–Most like God.
And to all of us, that power is given.
The power to be like God.
We some times forget how incredible the possibilities for our lives are–
we settle for so much less.
Surely, even Jesus discovers in the desert, the true possibilities for his life.
He leaves this experience when he knows himself to be most human,
and becomes most like God.
How will you act this week?