
Infant Baptism is celebrated by request during weekend masses, except during the Lenten Season.

Parents who wish to have their child baptized are required to participate in a baptism class (unless they have participated in a baptism class at St. Joseph’s within the last two years).  Baptism classes are generally offered four times per year, and we encourage you to plan ahead. It is not necessary for the baby to be born prior to taking the class. In fact, many parents find it easier to take the class while expecting.

Check the Announcements section on the main page to see when the next class is scheduled.  Contact the parish office for more information or if you have questions.

(Parents must be registered in the parish prior to baptism.)

Baptisms for adults can be celebrated through our RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).

Couples planning marriage should contact the parish office at least six months in advance.

Marriages are not celebrated during the Lenten season.

Reconciliation is typically scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays (check the weekly bulletin for updated information) or by appointment (contact the parish office).

Youth - First Reconciliation
First Reconiliation is generally celebrated with students in the second grade.  A First Reconciliation curriculum is part of our Religious Education program.

First Communion is generally celebrated with students in the second grade.  A First Communion curriculum is part of our Religious Education program.

First Communion for adults can be celebrated through our RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).

Holy Communion is brought to the sick and homebound each Wednesday.  Anyone in this situation who is interested in receiving Holy Communion should contact the parish office to make arrangements.

Those who are seriously ill or anticipating surgery should contact the parish office to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick.