St. Joseph's offers many opportunities to become involved in our parish community!
Click on any of the tabs below to learn more and find contact information.
Our choir sings at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass from September through May.
We sing a variety of choral and liturgical music, from traditional to contemporary. We always welcome new members, men or women. Reading music is an asset but not a necessity to join. We welcome anyone who loves to praise God through song.
Choir practice is Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Contact: Monica Laust, 715-262-3610 or Beth Voss, 715-262-5810
Getting involved with the various ministries is a vital and rewarding opportunity for our parishioners.
Contact the parish office for more information on any of the following liturgical roles:
- Greeter
- Giftbearer
- Eucharistic Minister
- Lector
- Usher
- Server
- Money Counters
St. Joseph Parish has an active Father Solanus Circle, whose purpose is:
- To keep alive the inspiring memory of Father Solanus
- To bring the knowledge of his inspiring life to others
- To collect information about his life and work
- To pray for and support the Cause of Beatification
Membership is open to any person interested in the Father Solanus Circle. We encourage couples, singles, families, the young and old to join us. Members are from the Twin Cities, Hastings, Cottage Grove, Prescott, Ellsworth and surrounding areas.
Contact: Sister Geralyn Misura, 715-262-5105
The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest organization of Catholic men and their families. Our local chapter is an active part of the parishes of St. Joseph-Prescott and St. Mary's-River Falls (Big River).
We meet the second Thursday of each month, in the St. Joseph's Church basement (269 Dakota Street South in Prescott):
6:30 p.m. Rosary
6:45 p.m. Meeting
Joe Franek, 715-262-5820
Harold Clement, 715-262-3611
The Stitchers is a small group of women who meet every Tuesday after morning Mass until 11:30 a.m. in the lower level of the rectory. The Stitchers work on various handicraft and sewing projects. They embroider dish towels and pillowcases, cut and sew material for making rugs, make baby blankets for baptism baskets and baby and full-size quilts that are sold at the Fall Festival. Some of the quilts are donated to Sharing
& Caring and Pierce County Social Services.
Anyone interested in sewing, crocheting or embroidering is welcome to join this sociable group.
Contact: Nancy Peterson, 651-303-7253
Quilts are also available for sale! If interested, contact Nancy.