
Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year Homily

Posted on Sep 27, 2016 in Homilies

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year Homily

TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Homily 25 September 2016 For 28 years I lived at the Ecumenical Religious Center in Eau Claire. The building housed not only the Newman Parish, but University Lutheran Church as well. The building won several awards for architectural excellence. Outside the main entrance to the building stood a large butternut tree for years. One fall night I was standing outside the front entrance waiting for a meeting to begin. It was a great evening. I was feeling very good about the day, all was right with the world and God and me. Suddenly I felt something hit my...

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Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year Homily

Posted on Sep 21, 2016 in Homilies

Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year Homily

TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 18 September 2016 Homily Several years ago I went to visit a former student who has three children. I knew that the mother and father in this household try very hard to eat healthy. I wanted to bring some treat for the children but was in a quandary-what would be healthy? And, still be a treat. I settled on just one bag of chocolate covered cherries. It was a compromise–the insides, the cherries would be healthy, the chocolate not so much. I gave the chocolate covered cherries to their oldest a 4 year old. I told him he’d have to share with his younger...

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Twenty-Third Sunday of the Year Homily

Posted on Sep 6, 2016 in Homilies

Twenty-Third Sunday of the Year Homily

TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 4 SEPTEMBER 2016 HOMILY Oh, it must be about fifteen years ago now I spent a day with a family I’ve known since I was ordained. The husband and wife were married the same year I was ordained. I’ve watched the children–three of them– grow from infancy. I called to set up a day I could spend with them–the first in a year. They wanted me to arrive early. Told me to dress casually–bring a swimming suit–that made me nervous since I have this fear of water. When I walked in the door they began to sing, “Happy Birthday.” They had chosen...

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